In the world of construction, toughness is a prized virtue. However, at BCCG, we know that true strength also lies in compassion and unity. Suicide Prevention Week in Construction gave us an opportunity to showcase our commitment to raising awareness, offering support, and fostering a culture of empathy. In this blog post, we’ll delve into our efforts, including our powerful Suicide Prevention video, hard hat stripes, wristbands, job-site walk, and the important pre-walk speech.
Construction Suicide Prevention Badge 2023

The Suicide Prevention Video: A Message of Hope

Our journey to support Suicide Prevention Week in Construction began with a heartfelt message. We produced a poignant video that featured our own BCCG employees. The aim was to shatter the silence that often surrounds these issues and convey a message of hope, unity, and resilience.

Through the video, we wanted everyone to understand that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. We provided information about mental health resources and the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, making it clear that help is always available.

Hard Hat Stripes: A Silent Reminder

At BCCG, we believe that small symbols can carry profound meaning. We introduced hard hat stripes featuring the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline number 988. These stripes serve as a constant reminder to our employees and colleagues that help is just a call away. It’s a subtle yet powerful way to support mental health awareness on the job-site.

BCCG BC Construction Group Suicide in construction Prevention-Walk hard hat sicker

Wristbands: A Lifeline on Your Wrist

In addition to the hard hat stripes, we distributed wristbands adorned with the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline number. These wristbands are not just accessories; they’re lifelines. They serve as a constant reminder that help is within reach, no matter where you are or what you’re going through.BCCG suicide prevention wristbands

The Job-site Walk: Building Awareness, Building Unity

Before embarking on the walk, a pre-walk speech was delivered. It emphasized the importance of this event, not only for our community but for the entire construction industry. It highlighted the unique challenges construction professionals face, including demanding schedules, high-pressure environments, and physical strain. These factors can take a toll on mental health, making it crucial to prioritize the well-being of our colleagues.

The speech also addressed how to spot the signs of suicide. It stressed the significance of open conversations, active listening, and reaching out to those who may be struggling. We emphasized that it’s everyone’s responsibility to look out for one another. This event was more than just a walk; it was a symbolic gesture of our commitment to supporting one another. Employees from BCCG came together to raise awareness about suicide and depression in the construction industry.BCCG Suicide prevention speech

Building a Brighter Future

At BCCG, we are committed to building more than just structures; we’re building a community that cares. Our participation in Suicide Prevention Week in Construction was a testament to this commitment. We’re dedicated to breaking the stigma surrounding mental health, fostering understanding, and creating a safer, more compassionate construction industry.

As we move forward, let’s remember that help is always within reach. We encourage everyone to continue the conversation, support one another, and build a brighter future together. For more information on Suicide Prevention Week in Construction please visit 

  • Construction Suicide Prevention Week